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Schon seit Ende August ist die Version 5.11 verfügbar. Eher zufällig bemerkt und installiert.

Hier die Liste mit den Erneuerungen

Eine sehr signifikante und umfangreiche Erweiterung ist nun die Möglichkeit, Bereiche, auch mehrere, für die exklusive Bearbeitung zu definieren. Das gab's bisher in RT noch nicht.

RT-typisch muss man sich erstmal einlesen: Viel Stoff! https://rawpedia.rawtherapee.com/Local_Adjustments

Sieht ganz vielversprechend aus, wenn man RT mag.

Aus der Seite mal ein:


Local editing in RawTherapee is based on RT-spots, which are similar in principle to the U-Point concept originally used in Nikon Capture NX2 and subsequently in the Nik Collection, DxO PhotoLab and Capture NXD. RT-spots use algorithms developed specifically for RawTherapee by Jacques Desmis.
This approach is completely different to the more familiar local editing methods used in applications such as GIMP, Photoshop, etc., which primarily use selection tools such as lassos, magic wands etc., associated with brushes, layers and blend masks. These methods can be time consuming and difficult to use accurately when complex shapes are involved.
An RT-spot consists of either an ellipse or a rectangle with a variable-diameter circle at the center. The shapes have four control points, which can be adjusted independently or symmetrically. The rectangle spot can also be used in full-image mode which automatically sets the control points outside the image preview area. Future developments will provide enhanced shape manipulation.

Edited by RoDo
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