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Among the big changes:

  • a full rewrite of the pipeline reordering, that will fix all the history inconsistencies and allow pipeline order presets (so you can create custom presets, or revert to 2.6 and 3.0 default pipe order),
  • a full rewrite of the lighttable as native GTK widgets, much faster and better polished, along with many CSS theming and icons improvements,
  • many fixes in 3D LUT, cropping, liquify modules,
  • negadoctor : a new film inversion module for digitalized negatives, that also simulates printing based on Kodak Cineon,
  • possibly filmic v4, with improved color science and highlights blending/reconstruction,
  • many more I simply didn’t follow because these guys have commited like animals,
  • integration and unit tests built-in, to track inconsistencies between C and OpenCL code and ensure compatibility on image processing changes (regular users won’t see them and won’t notice the difference, but it is a big milestone in software quality management).

darktable 3.4 is still planned for next Christmas as usual.


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